Robert French

Why Work with BBB Accredited Firms?

Why Work with BBB Accredited Firms

The Better Business Bureau’s HUGE role in the timeshare cancellation industry The Better Business Bureau (BBB) plays a significant role in the timeshare cancellation industry by providing a platform for consumers to voice their experiences and seek resolution for any issues they encounter with timeshare cancellation companies. Let’s take a look at a few of […]

Legal Loopholes: Exploring Strategies to Terminate Your Timeshare Contract

Legal Loopholes: Exploring Strategies to Terminate Your Timeshare Contract

Escaping the clutches of a timeshare contract can often feel like an insurmountable challenge. However, at RFA Corporation, we specialize in helping timeshare owners navigate the legal landscape and find effective strategies to terminate their contracts. Read along as we explore various legal loopholes and strategies that can be employed to break free from the […]

How Timeshare Companies Rope You In and What To Look Out For

How Timeshare Companies Rope You In and What To Look Out For

Timeshare presentations often promise a lifetime of bliss, but behind the glossy brochures and enticing incentives lies a web of deceptive tactics employed by timeshare companies to lure unsuspecting individuals into long-term contracts. At RFA Corporation, we understand what’s at stake when getting roped into an unwanted timeshare contract. Allow us to shed some light […]

Unmasking the Steps to Timeshare Freedom

Unmasking the Steps to Timeshare Freedom

Owning a timeshare can initially seem like a dream come true, offering the promise of luxurious vacations in exotic locations year after year. However, the reality often falls short, leaving many owners seeking an escape from their contractual obligations. At RFA Corporation, we understand the challenges faced by timeshare owners and specialize in providing legal […]

The Legal Side of Timeshare Exits and What You Need to Know

The Legal Side of Timeshare Exits and What You Need to Know

Timeshare ownership can be an enticing prospect, promising unforgettable vacations and cherished memories. However, as circumstances change, many timeshare owners find themselves seeking an exit strategy. RFA Corporation aims to shed light on the legal aspects of timeshare exits and provide you with the essential information you need to know. At RFA, we specialize in […]

“Doc Prep” VS. “Full Service” – What’s the Difference?

"Doc Prep" VS. "Full Service" - What’s the Difference?

Before you sign with a timeshare cancellation firm, know the difference between “Doc Prep” and “Full Service”. When it comes to timeshare cancellation some well-known companies do what’s called “doc prep” or “document preparation”. The main difference between “doc prep” and “full service” in timeshare cancellation is the level of assistance and support provided by […]

The Importance of a Timeshare Exit Strategy and How to Create One

The Importance of a Timeshare Exit Strategy and How to Create One

As a timeshare owner, it’s important to have a plan in place for exiting your ownership. Whether it’s due to financial hardship, lifestyle changes, or simply wanting to try something new, having a timeshare exit strategy can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure a smooth transition out of your ownership. RFA Corporation specializes in […]

Avoiding Timeshare Cancellation Scams

Avoiding Timeshare Cancellation Scams

If you’re a timeshare owner who’s looking to cancel your contract, it’s important to be aware of timeshare scams. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous individuals and companies out there who prey on timeshare owners who are looking to get out of their contracts. Keep reading to learn the tell-tale signs it’s time to put the […]

The Difference Between Rescission and Cancellation in Timeshare Contracts

When it comes to timeshare contracts, it’s important to understand the difference between rescission and cancellation. While these terms may sound similar, they have different meanings and implications for timeshare owners. In this blog post, we’ll explore the difference between rescission and cancellation and what they mean for your timeshare ownership. Rescission Rescission refers to […]

Timeshare Default: What to Do When You Can’t Afford Your Ownership Anymore

Owning a timeshare can be a great way to enjoy luxurious vacations year after year, but what happens when you can no longer afford your ownership? Timeshare default can be a stressful and overwhelming situation, but there are steps you can take to address the issue and find a solution. Recognize the Problem The first […]